MachO Structs#
Represents the first 8 bytes of a MachO File
Field |
Size |
Description |
magic |
4 |
File magic. For a fat file, will always be 0xCAFEBABE |
nfat_archs |
4 |
Number of fat_archs in the file |
At the beginning of a MachO File, after the header, several fat_arch structs are located, containing information about the slices within the file.
Field |
Size |
Description |
cputype |
4 |
CPUType Item |
cpusubtype |
4 |
CPU Subtype Item |
offset |
4 |
Offset in file of the slice |
size |
4 |
Size in bytes of the slice |
align |
4 |
Address alignment of struct, as a power of 2 (2^align). |
Dyld Structs#
First 32 bytes of a Slice/Thin MachO File
Field |
Size |
Description |
magic |
4 |
File magic (0xFEEDFACE/0xFEEDFACF) |
cputype |
4 |
CPU Type |
cpusubtype |
4 |
CPU Subtype |
filetype |
4 |
? |
loadcnt |
4 |
Number of load commands |
loadsize |
4 |
Size of load commands |
flags |
4 |
? |
void |
4 |
? |
Load commands#
Command that represents a dylib
Field |
Size |
Description |
cmd |
4 |
Load command |
cmdsize |
4 |
Size of load command (including string in dylib struct) |
dylib |
4 |
CPU Subtype |
filetype |
4 |
? |
Struct representing a dylib
Field |
Size |
Description |
name |
4 |
lc_str Offset of the load command string from the beginning of the dylib_command struct |
timestamp |
4 |
? |
current_version |
4 |
? |
compatibility_version |
4 |
? |
Name of the dynamic linker (/bin/dyld)
Field |
Size |
Description |
cmd |
4 |
Load Command |
cmdsize |
4 |
Size of Load Command |
name |
4 |
lc_str name of Linker (This will usually just be dyld) |
Command indicating the entry point of the binary
Field |
Size |
Description |
cmd |
4 |
Load Command |
cmdsize |
4 |
Size of load command |
entryoff |
8 |
Offset of the entry point in the file |
stacksize |
8 |
? |
Specifies the runtime search path (think iOS Apps, with ./Frameworks directories)
Field |
Size |
Description |
cmd |
4 |
Load Command |
cmdsize |
4 |
Size of load command |
path |
4 |
lc_str Offset of the rpath string from the beginning of the load command |
Contains the offsets of several dyld-related tables
Field |
Size |
Description |
cmd |
4 |
Load command |
cmdsize |
4 |
Size of load command |
rebase_off |
4 |
Offset of rebase commands |
rebase_size |
4 |
Size of rebase commands |
bind_off |
4 |
Offset of Binding commands |
bind_size |
4 |
Size of Binding commands |
weak_bind_off |
4 |
Offset of weak binding commands |
weak_bind_size |
4 |
Size of weak binding commands |
lazy_bind_off |
4 |
Offset of lazy binding commands |
lazy_bind_size |
4 |
Size of lazy binding commands |
export_off |
4 |
Export table offset |
export_size |
4 |
Export table size |
Holds offsets of the symbol table and the string table it uses.
Field |
Size |
Description |
cmd |
4 |
Load Command |
cmdsize |
4 |
Size of load command |
symoff |
4 |
Offset of Symbol Table |
nsyms |
4 |
Number of entries in the symbol table |
stroff |
4 |
Offset of String Table |
strsize |
4 |
Size of String Table |
Field |
Size |
Description |
cmd |
4 |
Load Command |
cmdsize |
4 |
Size of Load Command |
ilocalsym |
4 |
? |
nlocalsym |
4 |
? |
iextdefsym |
4 |
? |
nextdefsym |
4 |
? |
tocoff |
4 |
? |
ntoc |
4 |
? |
modtaboff |
4 |
? |
nmodtab |
4 |
? |
extrefsymoff |
4 |
? |
nextrefsyms |
4 |
? |
indirectsymoff |
4 |
Offset of indirect symbol table |
nindirectsyms |
4 |
Number of indirect symbols in table |
extreloff |
4 |
? |
nextrel |
4 |
? |
locreloff |
4 |
? |
nlocrel |
4 |
? |
Contains the UUID of the library
Field |
Size |
Description |
cmd |
4 |
Load Command |
cmdsize |
4 |
Size of load command |
uuid |
16 |
UUID of the Library |
Contains build version and versions of tools used to compile this library/bin
Field |
Size |
Description |
cmd |
4 |
Load Command |
cmdsize |
4 |
Size of load command |
platform |
4 |
(Enum) platform the library was compiled for |
minos |
4 |
Hex XX YY ZZZZ Version of the OS (xx.yy.zzzz) |
sdk |
4 |
Hex XX YY ZZZZ Version of the SDK used to compile |
ntools |
4 |
Number of tool commands following this command |
Field |
Size |
Description |
cmd |
4 |
Load command |
cmdsize |
4 |
Size of load command |
version |
8 |
? |
Libraries can specify subclients indicating which binaries are allowed to link to this library
A process not within this group will be killed if it tries to link this library
Field |
Size |
Description |
cmd |
4 |
Load Command |
cmdsize |
4 |
Size of load command |
offset |
4 |
lc_str Offset of Name of subclient from beginning of load command |
Field |
Size |
Description |
cmd |
4 |
Load Command |
cmdsize |
4 |
Size of load command |
dataoff |
4 |
Offset of LINKEDIT data |
datasize |
4 |
Size of LINKEDIT data |
Represents a segment in the mach-o file
Field |
Size |
Description |
cmd |
4 |
Load Command |
cmdsize |
4 |
Size of load command including following segment_64 commands |
segname |
16 |
Null-byte terminated string within the struct, containing the name of the segment |
vmaddr |
8 |
Address in the virtual memory mapping of the segment |
vmsize |
8 |
Size of the segment in the Virtual Memory map |
fileoff |
8 |
Offset of the segment in the on-disk file |
filesize |
8 |
Size of the segment in the on-disk file |
maxprot |
4 |
? |
initprot |
4 |
? |
nsects |
4 |
Number of section_64 commands within this command |
flags |
4 |
? |
Represents a section in the segment
Field |
Size |
Description |
sectname |
16 |
null-terminated C string Name of the section |
segname |
16 |
null-terminated C string Name of the containing segment |
addr |
8 |
VM Address of the section |
size |
8 |
VM Size of the section |
offset |
4 |
File address of the section |
align |
4 |
? |
reloff |
4 |
? |
nreloc |
4 |
? |
flags |
4 |
? |
reserved1 |
4 |
? |
reserved2 |
4 |
? |
reserved3 |
4 |
? |