Quick-Start Guide#

This is documentation for getting started with the library as a component of other python projects.

Gonna try and speedrun this explanation so you can get up and running as soon as possible.

Basic Concepts to understand:
  • There are a lot of subfiles and a few modules, but import ktool will import all of the stuff you most likely need.

  • My struct system emulates C’s. Or if you don’t know C, it’s like someone smashed together python structs and namedtuples.

On the github, src/ktool/ktool_script.py is a fairly standard client for this library, and you can reference it to figure out how to do a lot of the basic stuff this library is capable of.

Install The Library#

python3 -m pip install k2l

To install new updates:

python3 -m pip install –upgrade k2l

Code Examples#

Ideally this library is fairly intuitive to use, and things just work how you expect.

Load an image and dump the symbol list#
import ktool

image = ktool.load_image('my/file.dylib')
for addr, symbol in image.symbols.items():
    print(f'{symbol.name} => {addr}')
Dump the classlist for an image#
import ktool

image = ktool.load_image('my/file.dylib')
objc_image = ktool.load_objc_metadata(image)

for objc_class in objc_image.classlist:
Loading and iterating the Mach-O Header.#
import ktool

image = ktool.load_image('my/file.dylib')
for load_command in image.macho_header:  # Using the MachOImageHeader __iter__ functionality
    if isinstance(load_command, dylinker_command):
        print('Dylinker cmd!')

# OR, using the basic list iterator
for load_command in image.macho_header.load_commands:
    if isinstance(load_command, dylinker_command):
        print('Dylinker cmd!')